Mumbai (Maharashtra): Bollywood star Alia Bhatt, who is currently expecting her first bundle of joy with husband Ranbir Kapoor, is currently going through a very busy phase in her life. While she is expecting her first child post a dreamy wedding with the actor, on the professional front she has two big projects lined up for release -- first is the OTT movie Darlings and second is Brahmastra: Part One - Shiva.
Both projects are very special to her. The Netflix movie Darlings where she co-stars with powerhouse performers like Shefali Shah and Vijay Varma, is her maiden production under Eternal Sunshine Productions banner. Brahmastra: Part One - Shiva, which is set to debut on September 9 in cinemas, is her first film opposite her hubby Ranbir.
In a recent conversation with a newswire, Alia spoke about the spotlight on her personal life more than professional, her experience as a debutante producer and working with the cast of Darlings.