Mumbai: National Award-winning director Nitesh Tiwari, along with Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari, has joined hands with Star Studios, Ronnie Screwvala and Siddharth Roy Kapur to produce a young-adult comedy-drama titled 'Bas Karo Aunty!'. The film is an adaptation of Varun Agarwal's bestseller 'How I Braved Anu Aunty and Co-Founded a Million Dollar Company.'
'Bas Karo Aunty!' stars Ishwak Singh and Mahima Makwana in the lead. Helmed by debutant filmmaker Abhishek Sinha, it is written by Nitesh Tiwari and Nikhil Mehrotra. The movie is about a real-life experience of millennials and today's youth and their dilemma, the thrills, risks, and romance of embarking on a new life path and chasing one's dreams; it tells a hilarious and inspiring story through witty millennial banter and capturing the zeitgeist and entrepreneurial spirit of young India.
Nitesh Tiwari and Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari said: "We found Varun Agarwal's journey quite captivating, and I'm thrilled about mounting this film on the story of a budding entrepreneur. Our film captures the mood and zeitgeist of the nation: India is young, jubilant, and enterprising, and 'Bas Karo, Aunty!' is the perfect response to anyone trying to impede this spirit of enterprise!"
Ashwini also took it to her Instagram to share a picture with the team and wrote, "Be your own inspiration & Make your own path everyday. Our next story at @earthskynotes is very close to my heart based on one of my closest friend book and biggest encourager @varun760 in colloboration with @foxstarhindi @rsvpmovies @roykapurfilms. BAS KARO AUNTY! An young adult entertainer is directed by debutant Abhishek Sinha @abhislens 💜 and stars @ishwaksingh & @mahima_makwana. #Baskaroaunty is adapted from Varun Agarwal's bestselling book ‘How I Braved Anu Aunty and Co- Founded a Million Dollar Company’."