Hyderabad: Actor Tamannaah Bhatia and Vijay Varma are making headlines after a video of their alleged kiss went viral on social media. Netizens are sniffing a budding romance between the two as their video from a New Year party surfaced online.
In a viral video, the Darlings star Vijay Varma and Tamnnaah were seen embracing one another and kissing. The actors reportedly attended a New Year party in Goa. The short video clip is said to be from the party that the two attended with friends. The video which broke the internet was originally shared by the Goan restaurant, Purple Martini, on Instagram.
While Tamannaah is seen in a pink shirt dress while Vijay was wearing green shorts with a white shirt. In the viral video, Tamannaah and Vijay can be seen hugging each other and kissing. The couple seemingly stole tender moments while the crowd cheered and celebrated as fireworks go off in the sky above and peppy music filling the atmosphere with joy.