Mumbai: Sushmita Sen is on a steady path to recovery after suffering a massive heart attack in February. The actor on Wednesday treated her fans with a video wherein she is seen getting back to fitness. The video shared by Sushmita also features her former boyfriend Rohman Shawl and younger daughter Alisah Sen. Soon after she shared the video, social media users began to speculate that Sushmita and Roshman have rekindled their romance.
The 47-year-old actor is seemingly recovering well from a recent health scar and gradually going back to being fit. Sushmita is embracing the daily routine at her own pace. Taking to social media, Sen shared a video wherein she is seen breaking a sweat with Rohman and Alisah.
Sharing the video on her Instagram handle, the former Miss Universe wrote, "Will is the only way" #36days. Now allowed more training!!! I leave to shoot for AARYA in Jaipur shortly...and here are my loved ones, keeping me company & helping me get back in the zone!!! Kisses Alisah Shona & @rohmanshawl... I love you guys!!! #duggadugg."