Hyderabad: Bollywood couple Neha Dhupia and Angad Bedi celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary on May 10. On the occasion of their special day, Neha took to her social media handle and treated her fans with their mushy pictures. The couple met each other at a friend's get-together and gradually, their friendship turned into a deep connection.
Neha and Angad surprised their fans in 2018 when they tied the knot in a private ceremony in a Gurudwara. A few months after the wedding, the couple was blessed with a daughter, whom they named Mehr, in November 2018, while they welcomed a baby boy in October 2021.
Sharing the pictures on Instagram, Neha wrote in the caption, "Happy anniversary my love ♥️… … here’s to holding you closer than close and building our little nest together … here’s to working it out thru thick n thin, thru agreeing n disagreeing, thru loving and laughing … and most importantly here’s to keeping it real … half a decade to ♾️ ♥️ ♥️♥️♥️♥️…"