Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor turns a year older today. To mark his special day, the actor's mother, veteran actor Neetu Singh, and his sister, fashion designer Riddhima Sahni took to their respective social media handles to wish him on his birthday. Neetu Singh dropped a couple of Ranbir's never seen before photos, while Riddhima shared a cute video featuring unseen throwback pictures with Ranbir and they shared pictures from cake-cutting celebrations as well.
In an Instagram Story, Neetu Singh shared a glimpse of the Rockstar actor's midnight birthday celebrations. The photo showed a beautifully decorated table with petals of red roses and two birthday cakes. One of the cakes had "Happy Birthday Raha's Papa" written on it. There's also a lovely tiny photo frame of Ranbir's wedding, featuring him and his wife Alia Bhatt, on the table.
Sharing the picture, Neetu wrote, "Birthday celebration with my most special." She further shared another image of Ranbir on her IG Story wishing him a happy birthday. She wrote, "Happy Birthday (attached a red heart emoji) feel grateful for this special human being."