Hyderabad (Telangana):Remembering his late husband and iconic star Rishi Kapoor on his second death anniversary, veteran Bollywood actor Neetu Kapoor shared 'loosing a partner of 45 years is difficult and painful.' The actor said that she keeps herself occupied to cope up with the void that Rishi left in her life.
The 63-year-old star took to her Instagram handle and shared a video from a dance reality show where she is being seen on the judges' panel. Sharing the video, she penned a tributary note for Rishi, describing how he will always stay in everyone’s heart forever.
In the video, Neetu is trying hard to fight back tears as the team pays tribute to the late actor through his songs. "Today is two years since rishi ji left us … loosing a partner of 45 years was difficult n painful at that time the only way to heal my heart was to keep myself mentally occupied .. Movie n television helped me achieve that 🙏 rishiji will always be remembered n will stay in everyone’s heart forever ❤️," Neetu wrote alongside the video.