Hyderabad: Actor Nayanthara and her husband, filmmaker Vignesh Shivan on Friday night distributed essentials to help the needy in heavy rains. A video of the pair handing out bags to the people on the street has surfaced on the internet and currently is going viral. The video shows Nayanthara and Vignesh walking towards a few people who took refuge near some little streetside shops. The fans of both appreciated their generosity.
In the video, Vignesh could be seen holding the bags in one hand and a blue umbrella in the other, while Nayanthara handed out the bags to the people. She was wearing a T-shirt and a pair of blue ripped jeans. Vignesh chose a beige pair of trousers and a cream-coloured shirt. A Twitter user shared the video with a caption that read, "It was really kind of Lady Superstar #Nayanthara and @VigneshShivN to assist homeless persons on the streets who were suffering from the rain. #inspiringcouple."