Hyderabad:A video of actor Nayanthara's visit to a temple in Tamil Nadu is doing rounds of the internet. In the viral clip, Nayanthara is seen fuming at a person who apparently kept filming her despite requesting him not to do so while she was in a temple.
A few days ago Nayanthara along with her filmmaker husband Vignesh Shivan visited the Kumbakonam temple. The couple had visited the temple to offer pooja on the occasion of Panguni Uthiram. From there, the duo went to offer prayers at Vignesh Shivan’s ancestral temple where the incident is said to have taken place. Nayanthara's presence left fans berserk as people mobbed her and Vignesh at the temple and few even started filming them.
In the viral clip, a seemingly upset Nayanthara is seen threatening to break a person's phone who tries to film her. In the clip, Nayanthara is seen telling the person, "One more time (if you film) and I’ll break your phone." Seeing the actor was apparently not comfortable with the fans' frenzy at the sacred place, her staff was quick to come into action and requested people gathered there to not take pictures and videos. In another video, the actor was seen getting uncomfortable as a fan touched her shoulder.
READ |Nayanthara, Vignesh Shivan step out in heavy rain to distribute essentials to needy, video viral
Last week another video of the couple went viral wherein they were seen distributing essentials to the needy on the streets of Chennai. The couple had come out in heavy rain to help the underprivileged. Nayanthara and Vignesh's kind gesture had the internet in awe of them while the recent video of the actor threatening to break the phone of a person has social media divided.