Mumbai: To get the representation right, the makers of Nawazuddin Siddqui-starrer Haddi have brought on board 300 real transgender people in the film. Debut producer duo Sanjay Saha and Raadhika Nanda are helming the film. The former calls the process of finding 300 transgender people for the film 'adventurous'.
He said, "The process was very adventurous and hard at the same time. It was not very difficult to convince them as we were also learning about their life experiences and making them a part of the film. We had a great time learning tons of things from them, including how their life and world are very different from ours." There was one transgender woman named Renuka who helped the filmmakers during the research of the film.
Sanjay said, "She helped us learn about their community and their upbringing, along with the challenges faced by them from childhood to their day-to-day life. She also made us visit many people from the community which helped us write the script and get a better understanding of their life. She had brought some of her friends from the community to Nawaz so that he could get into the character and deeply understand their life."