Los Angeles: Indian actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui will be seen in the lead role of the upcoming US indie film 'Laxman Lopez'. The film is a Christmas-themed movie to be directed by Mexico's Roberto Girault, director of local hits including 2017's 'La Leyenda Del Diamante', 2015's 'Los Arboles Mueren de Pie' and 'El Estudiante' from 2009, reports 'Variety'. The project is led by New York-based Imagine Infinite Productions. Filming, beginning at the end of this year, will take place entirely in the US.
Further casting details are to be announced closer to the start of production. The producer is Lalit Bhatnagar, writer and co-producer of horror project 'Little Darling'. Nawazuddin is in Cannes as part of the Indian government delegation to the festival and the rights market, where India has been named as the first country of honour. "The narration had me excited for multiple reasons. For starters, the opportunity to work in a Christmas movie is something very different and immediately had my attention. The director, Roberto Girault has shown his power and command over the camera, and the way he can unveil new sides to an actor. It is a welcome challenge that I often yearn for. And most importantly, the name, Laxman Lopez, had me instantly curious."