Hyderabad:Naga Chaitanya made his Bollywood debut in Aamir Khan's Laal Singh Chaddha last year. Chaitanya played Benjamin Buford Blue, or Bubba, in the Indian rendition of Tom Hanks' Forrest Gump. In a recent interview, he discussed the film unimpressive box office run, saying he has no regrets and enjoyed working with Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan.
In an interview while promoting his upcoming film Custody, he discussed the failure of Laal Singh Chaddha. He also discussed whether he had any regrets being associated with the project. Chaitanya is presently promoting his upcoming Tamil-Telugu bilingual film Custody.
In a recent media interaction, Chaitanya stated, "The main reason I did that project was to travel with Aamir sir. As an actor, I wanted to spend just two days with him to learn from him. With this perspective in mind, I said yes to the film. But I had the opportunity to work with him for 5-6 months."