Hyderabad: Prime Video on Wednesday announced the exclusive global streaming premiere of the Telugu action thriller Custody on June 9. Directed and written by Venkat Prabhu and produced by Srinivasaa Chitturi the film stars Naga Chaitanya, Krithi Shetty, and Arvind Swami in lead roles. Custody will exclusively stream in India and across 240 countries and territories worldwide on June 9 in Telugu and Tamil along with dubs in Malayalam and Kannada.
Custody, which was released in theatres last month, is an enthralling action-drama focusing on Shiva (Naga Chaitanya), a young constable tasked with the high-risk responsibility of transporting a dangerous criminal named Raju (Arvind Swami) to the court in Bengaluru. Unaware of Raju's role as a key witness against a powerful senior minister, Shiva finds himself become a target, along with the criminal he's escorting. As they navigate a treacherous journey, Shiva must protect Raju and ensure his testimony reaches the courtroom.