Hyderabad: And RRR has done it. Naatu Naatu from the SS Rajamouli's directorial bagged the prestigious Oscars for the best original song. Bringing in the much-needed acclaim, millions of Indians' dreams have come true. The music composer M.M. Keeravani, while receiving the Academy Award, sang a song thanking Rajamouli for the opportunity and shared an anecdote from childhood as to how he used to listen to the carpenters and today he has the Oscars in his hands.
With the big news coming to the fore, fans from around the world, celebrities and dignitaries took to social media to pour in congratulatory messages. One of the first to congratulate the team was veteran actor Cheeranjivi. The proud father Ramc Charan, one of the leading men in SS Rajamouli's RRR, took to Twitter to respond to the historic win. Tollywood megastar and actor Ram Charan's father, Chiranjeevi beaming with pride took to social media and tweeted: "#Oscarsa-a-a- would have still been a dream for India but for One Man's vision, courage & conviction @ssrajamouli ! A BillionA Hearts filled with Pride & Gratitude ! Kudos to every member of the Brilliant Team of @RRRMovie (sic)".