Hyderabad: Cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni and his wife Sakshi Dhoni are gearing up to enter into film production with their banner Dhoni Entertainment. Recently, during a promotional event held for their debut film in Hyderabad, Sakshi said that she grew up watching Allu Arjun films that were dubbed in Hindi and revealed that he is her favourite actor in the industry. A video from the event has surfaced online and now she has been subjected to trolls as netizens are age-shaming the budding producer.
MS Dhoni and Sakshi will produce the romantic movie Let's Get Married, also known as LGM, as their first project together. Recently, the couple was in Hyderabad for LGM promotional event. A video from LGM Hyderabad presser is doing rounds of the internet wherein Sakshi is seen talking about her love for Telugu movies. When asked whether she had watched Telugu movies, Sakshi said, "You know I have seen all Allu Arjun movies. All of it, but at that time I don't think there was Netflix or Hotstar. It was all on YouTube on Goldmine production. They used to put up all the Telugu movies in Hindi. So growing up I watched all Allu Arjun movies. And I'm a huge huge fan."
However, it did not go down well when 34-year-old Sakshi said she grew up watching all movies of Allu Arjun, who is 41 years old. Social media users age-shamed her with one commenting, "Growing up watching anta. Sakshi's age is 34." Another user said, "She 'grew up' watching AA movies...How old are you didi?"