Hyderabad: Actor Mrunal Thakur set the internet on fire with her first look from her upcoming film co-starring Nani. The movie has sparked a great deal of interest among fans since Nani 30 marks the collaboration between the talented actor and superstar Nani.
In the first look from Nani 30, Mrunal in a blue saree and traditional jewelry looks absolutely beautiful as she strolls on a beach. She can be seen walking barefoot with a smile on her face. The serene backdrop of the beach and Mrunal's elegance make for a stunning frame.
Meanwhile, taking to social media on Sunday, Nani posted a picture of himself on Instagram sitting on grass among cows. Sharing the picture, he simply wrote "July" in the caption along with a cow and cloud emojis. The photo appears to be from the sets of his forthcoming movie.