Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Mrunal Thakur will finally make her long-awaited debut at the famous Cannes Film Festival this year. In a statement, the Jersey actor expressed her utter excitement for the honour. The annual Cannes International Film Festival is held in Cannes, France, and features world premieres of brand-new films in all genres. This year's red carpet will feature a large number of celebrities from the global entertainment industry.
The prestigious film festival is scheduled from May 16 to May 27. Talking about it, Mrunal in a statement regarding her Cannes debut said, "I am thrilled to be attending the Cannes Film Festival for the first time. It is an honour to represent Grey Goose on such an illustrious stage. I am excited to interact with international filmmakers, explore new opportunities, and showcase the talent that Indian cinema has to offer."