Hyderabad: Two major films of completely distinct genres hit the theatres on October 6, resulting in stiff competition at the box office. Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar's Mission Raniganj: The Great Bharat Rescue was released on the same day alongside Bhumi Pednekar's Thank You For Coming. While the flicks have had a decent start at the domestic box office, both have now gotten slow in the collections after their first weekend. Let's check how much the two films will earn on their sixth day at the box office in India.
In the rescue drama Mission Raniganj, Akshay Kumar essayed the role of mining engineer Jaswant Singh Gill, who risked his life to save the lives of 65 trapped miners at Raniganj Coalfields, West Bengal in 1989. Directed by Tinu Suresh Desai, the disaster movie opened with Rs 2.8 crore nett at the Indian box office, as reported by industry tracker Sacnilk. Early estimates by the portal indicate that the flick may bring in Rs 1.43 crore nett on the sixth day, taking its 6-day total to Rs 17.03 crore nett. Mission Raniganj also stars Bollywood actor Parineeti Chopra.