Hyderabad: Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One starring Tom Cruise had a successful opening in India on Wednesday, earning Rs 12.3 crore. However, on its second day, the movie's earnings fell by 25 percent. Dead Reckoning Part One brought in an estimated Rs 9 to 9.50 crore on Thursday, according to industry tracker Sacnilk. This raises the movie's net total in India to Rs 21 crore in just two days, which is more than many recent Bollywood releases. According to buzz in the trade, MI 7's five-day collection in India might reach to Rs 60 crore.
According to Box Office Mojo, Mission Impossible 7 had a $19.3 million opening day worldwide. In the US, domestic collections account for 80 percent of that share, with international markets contributing 20 percent. According to Variety, the movie is anticipated to earn $250 million globally over its prolonged opening weekend.