Hyderabad: Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty, starring Anushka Shetty and Naveen Polishetty, had a fantastic opening day on September 7, 2023. Anushka plays a chef, while Navin plays a standup comedian who strikes an unusual bargain. The film marks Anushka return to the big screens after five long years with this comedy flick.
According to trade observers, the film, directed by Mahesh Babu P. and produced by UV Creations, was made on a massive budget of over Rs 50 crore. The film opened to great reviews as netizens took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to share their honest feedback online. Taking to X, a user wrote: "ENTERTAINING WATCH! I loved #MissShettyMrPolishetty throughout. The movie made me laugh at moments, love the innocence of the characters and most importantly feel the pain of Sidhu @NaveenPolishety! Kudos 2 entire team for pulling it off with ease. #MissShettyMrPolishettyReview."
Another one showering praise on the film tweeted: "Sweety 😘 #MissShettyMrPolishetty @MsAnushkaShetty ❤️ @UV_Creations #MissShettyMrPolishettyReview excellent first half with hilarious comedy."