Hyderabad (Telangana):Actor Jeetendra Shastri, who featured in films like Black Friday, Rajma Chawal and Ashoka among others, has died. The news was shared by his friends and colleagues Sanjay Mishra and Rajesh Tailang among others. The reason of his death is not known yet.
Sanjay Mishra on Saturday took to social media to confirm the news. He shared a throwback video with Shahtri along with a heartfelt tribute for the late actor. "Jitu Bhai aap hote to aap kuch aise bolte, 'Mishra sometimes kya hota hai naa ki, mobile mei naam reh jaata hai, aur insaan network se out ho jaata hai.' You are out of the world, but will always remain in network of my mind and heart. Om Shanti @jitu.shastri.7."