Hyderabad: The highly anticipated fantasy adventure film, Mega 156, starring megastar Chiranjeevi, is soon to go on floors. The grand launch of this magnum opus under the direction of Mallidi Vassishta of Bimbisara fame with the successful production house UV Creations, took place with a majestic pooja ceremony, attended by the film's entire team and special guests.
During the event, Megastar Chiranjeevi and his wife Smt Surekha handed over the script to the makers, marking the beginning of the proceedings. Allu Aravind had the honor of switching on the camera, while Raghavendra Rao set the clapboard into motion. Esteemed personalities such as VV Vinayak, Maruthi, and others were also present.
Reviving the tradition, the team initiated the film's music recording before the launch. Speaking on this occasion, music director MM Keeravani shared that UV Creations' 14th production venture happens to be Chiranjeevi's 156th movie, which will feature six songs. He said that it has been a tradition to commence the pooja formalities with music recording, and they wanted to revive that tradition. The music director further extended his best wishes to Vassishta, who shoulders the responsibility of the film.