Hyderabad:Deepika Padukone, who is basking in the rave reviews for her cameo in Jawan, has moved on to her next venture. The actor on Sunday dropped her first look from Rohit Shetty's upcoming directorial venture Singham Again. Deepika will be seen playing Shakti Shetty in the film which is headlined by Ajay Devgn.
Deepika took to her Instagram handle to share a set of two pictures from Singham Again. In her first look from the film, the reigning queen of Bollywood is seen taking down baddies. The actor is seen holding a man at gunpoint while sitting on a pile of injured goons. The explosive backdrop and police van hint that the image is from one of the high-octane action sequences from the film. A victorious yet slightly wicked smile on her face hints that the actor is all set for her maiden larger-than-life outing with Rohit Shetty film.