Hyderabad:Makers of the highly anticipated film Matka dropped the teaser of the film on the lead actor Varun Konidela's birthday. Matka is a forthcoming period film featuring Mega Prince Varun Tej as the lead. It is helmed by Karuna Kumar of Palasa fame. It also features Meenakshi Chowdary, Nora Fatehi, Naveen Chandra, and others in key roles.
Sharing the film's opening bracket, Varun wrote: "This one is going to be blast! Promise!" As soon as the teaser was dropped, fans of the actor went gaga over it. Many took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to express their love and admiration for the actor and the film.
The film is based on the backdrop of Vizag. Given that the dateline of the story is placed between 1958 and 1982, massive sets were built to mimic the atmosphere of the 1950s and 1980s. The story is based on a true incident that shook the country. Varun will appear in four different looks in the film, which spans 24 years. He has undergone a total makeover and will appear in a completely new avatar.