Chennai:Actor Mansoor Ali Khan faced legal action due to his controversial and derogatory comments directed at Leo co-star Trisha Krishnan. The Chennai city police initiated action following the circulation of a video clip across social media platforms, portraying Khan making inappropriate remarks about Trisha. The insensitive comments were related to his expectations of filming intimate scenes with her in the movie Leo, expressing disappointment at their absence.
The situation escalated when Trisha Krishnan responded assertively. She condemned Khan's remarks vehemently, characterizing them as sexist, disrespectful, and a stark display of misogyny. Trisha firmly declared her refusal to share any screen space with Khan in the future. Her response resonated widely, drawing attention not only within the film fraternity but also from the general public.
The National Commission for Women intervened upon witnessing the video, promptly issuing directives to the Tamil Nadu police. They urged the authorities to register a case against Mansoor Ali Khan under the relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code, specifically Sections 354A (pertaining to sexual harassment) and 509 (addressing acts intended to outrage the modesty of a woman).