Chennai (Tamil Nadu): Stating that several people had tried to make eminent writer Kalki's epic novel Ponniyin Selvan into a film, Mani Ratnam said he himself had tried thrice -- once in the 1980s, then in 2000 and for the third time in 2010, before finally succeeding now.
Speaking at the grand teaser launch event organised by the makers at the Chennai Trade Centre on Friday, Mani Ratnam said, "I first read this book when I was in college. Almost 40 years have passed. It's not left my heart until now. My first thanks go to Kalki."
"Makkal Thilagam M.G. Ramachandran should have acted in this film. After Nadodi Mannan, he was to act in this film. But somehow, that didn't happen. It is only today that I got to know why he was not able to act. He has left it for us to make," said Ratnam.