Thiruvananthapuram:Veteran film maker of Kerala, K.G. George passed away at the age of 77 at an old age home in Kakkanad in Kochi on Sunday. He was one of the iconic film makers of Malayalam industry and had forayed into a new scripts and made challenging movies. His movie, Panchavadi Palam is a political satire whose content is valid even now.
The movie was a run away hit and considered one of the best movies made in Malayalam film industry. The movie, Irakal of K.G. George is a crime thriller and had resemblance to several incidents that have unfolded in the state of Kerala recently while the movie was made three decades ago. He had brought the best out of actors like Mammotty and Bharath Gopi in his movie, Yavanika. Lekhayude Maranam, oru Flashback based on the death of a film heroine was also a run away hit.