Hyderabad: Bollywood couple Malaika Arora and Arjun Kapoor strolled in style on the red carpet at an award gala held in Mumbai on Friday evening. The duo posed before the paparazzi together before entering the event, which was attended by many well-known Bollywood figures. While Malaika chose a form-fitting black, backless gown with few accessories, Arjun wore a black t-shirt with a red shiny blazer and matching trousers.
Taking to Instagram, a paparazzi account shared a video of Malaika and Arjun, where they could be seen posing together on the red carpet. As soon as the video was posted, many social media users commented on the couple's fashionable avatar, and some questioned why Malaika was struggling so hard to hold her breath while wearing an uncomfortable dress.
A social media user commented, "She's holding her breath." Another commented, "She's not even breathing let her go." While another asked, "Why is she trying to draw her tummy real hard?" A fan wrote, "Power couple! Love these two." Another wrote, "Log troll karte hai par feeling koi Nahi samajhta Pyar to pyar hota hai beautiful couple."