Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Malaika Arora was spotted in Mumbai's Bandra with her son Arhaan Khan on Wednesday. The mother-son duo walked out together looking chic in their activewear. The 20-year-old son of Malaika and Arbaaz Khan appears to have made internet users fawn over him with his attractive looks.
Taking to Instagram, a paparazzi account shared a video of the mother-son duo. In the video, Malaika could be seen donning a white tank top and black yoga pants. On the other hand, her son looked dapper in an all-black outfit. As soon as the video was posted online, social media users went all the way to the comment section and dropped heart eyes and red heart emojis. Reacting to the video, an Instagram user commented, "Ladka bada handsome hai accha lagta h❤️❤️ (Boy is very handsome, looks good)." Another user wrote, "Very nice ❤️❤️❤️ beautiful mom and handsome son."