Hyderabad: Former couple Malaika Arora and Arbaaz Khan's son Arhaan Khan is often spotted with his parents. In the last couple of weeks, Arbaaz was seen with his mother several times in Mumbai. Now on Thursday night, the mother-son duo was papped at the Mumbai airport as Malaika bid goodbye to him. The star kid had reportedly jetted off to US for studies.
Photos and videos of Malaika Arora and Arhaan Khan arriving at the Mumbai Airport last night have been doing the rounds on social media. In a video shared by a paparazzo account on Instagram, Malaika could be seen giving her son a warm hug and bidding him goodbye before he departed.
For the airport look, Malaika chose a long black dress with a cutaway in the back. She looked stunning with her hair pulled back into a ponytail. Arhaan, on the other hand, opted for a comfy look. He sported a black sweatshirt with matching track pants and a cap. The endearing moment shared by the mother-son duo is going viral on social media.