Hyderabad: Jawan Prevue, which was unveiled earlier this month, was followed by posters depicting Shah Rukh Khan's bald look and Nayanthara's first look, which added to the excitement. The makers of this Atlee-directed film have returned with another poster. It was released a while ago, and fans cannot keep calm.
The filmmakers startled everyone when they revealed a stunning image of a close-up of an intense eye, leading fans to speculate about the person in the poster. The intriguing new poster from the upcming film Jawan, which is making waves on social media, provides a few insights, keeping the suspense alive and focused only on an enigmatic eye.
The poster was shared with the caption, "He's keeping an eye on you!" Keep an eye out for him. #Jawan" The enigmatic poster has prompted a frenzy of discussions among fans and film buffs, with many flocking to social media platforms to voice their theories and enthusiasm about who the character could be.