Hyderabad:The reprised version of Main Nikla Gaddi Leke from Sunny Deol's blockbuster film Gadar: Ek Prem Katha was dropped on Thursday. The dance number shows the legendary actor reprising his role as Tara Singh, with Ameesha Patel back as Sakeena and Utkarsh Sharma playing their grown-up son Jeete. Sunny's popular dance number was a massive hit back then and now with the recreated version, makers are hoping to up the game.
Sharing the song on Instagram, Utkarsh wrote: "Sab faatak, sab signal yeh log tod aaye.....🚚💃🏻🤩#MainNiklaGaddiLeke is out, tune in now. #Gadar2 aa rahi hai bade parde par 🔥 lagane iss Independence Day! 🇮🇳 Cinemas mein 11th August se 🎞️" (These people broke all gates, all signals. Gadar 2 is coming on big screens this Independence Day.)
In the song, Sunny, Ameesha, and Utkarsh can be seen recreating Sunny's signature hook step from the original song. The song begins with Jeete asking his father for a motorbike. Sunny at first refuses but on Sakeena's request agrees and gifts him a brand new bike at a celebratory gathering.
In one section of the song, Jeete signals others to turn off the lights as Tara approaches Sakeena. The two are seen rekindling their iconic romance from the 2001 action blockbuster. Jeete quickly steps in and begins dancing, encouraging his parents to join in as well.