Hyderabad:The highly anticipated film Main Atal Hoon, directed by Ravi Jadhav, hit theatres on Friday, January 19. Early reviews for the biographical starring Pankaj Tripathi film are out now with netizens hailing Tripathi's performance in the film. The Stree actor plays the title character in the biopic based on former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
Taking to X, formerly known as Twitter, netizens expressed their honest opinion of the film. Social media users were in awe of the actor's portrayal of the legendary leader. Heaping praises on the film, a user wrote: "#PankajTripathi actor par excellence." Another one wrote: "#MainAtalHoon. A must-watch for all." Talking about the film, an X user posted: "#MainAtalHoonReview won everyone's hearts. It is not easy to portray Atal Vihari Vajpayee on screen."
Pankaj Tripathi was once again able to mesmerise cine lovers with his stellar performance. Among the many praises, a user wrote: I’m in an awe of Pankaj Tripathi. He’s setting new benchmark for all the actors out there. #MainAtalHoonReview." Another one called Main Atal Hoon Pankaj's best performance of his career to date.
Main Atal Hoon, helmed by Ravi Jadhav, is a biographical drama about the life and political career of Vajpayee, a revered mass leader who was not only a politician, but also a poet, a gentleman, and, as the film says, "a statesman." The 137-minute film, which highlights Vajpayee's role in shaping India through some of its most difficult times, including the Kargil War with Pakistan and the Pokhran nuclear tests, attempts to explore the man behind the politician, revealing his personal struggles and relationships with family and friends, as well as his love of poetry and literature.
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