Hyderabad: The first teaser of Maidaan showcases the dramatised version of the story that every Indian football fan has heard. The long-delayed sports drama depicts Ajay Devgn as coach Syed Abdul Rahim, also regarded as the architect of modern Indian football. The teaser was finally revealed on Thursday, coinciding with the release of the Ajay Devgn directorial Bholaa.
The one-and-a-half-minute-long teaser sets the stage for the 1952 Helsinki Olympics, and what is considered the Golden Age of Indian Football. India is pitted against Yugoslavia on a heavy rainy day, where Indian athletes are seen playing barefoot. According to the official synopsis, "Maidaan is the true story of an unknown hero who created history and records for India such that even 60 years later, we are not able to match up to those accomplishments in the most played sport in the world, football.”