Mumbai (Maharashtra): Actor Mahima Chaudhry is the latest to come aboard the cast of Kangana Ranaut-fronted film Emergency, the makers announced on Saturday. Chaudhry, known for films such as Pardes, Daag, Dil Kya Kare, Dil Hai Tumhaara and Om Jai Jagadish, will play the role of Pupul Jayakar, an author, cultural activist and Mrs Gandhi's confidante in Emergency.
Billed as the story of a watershed moment in the political history of India, the movie is written and directed by Ranaut. She will also star in the movie as former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi with veteran actor Anupam Kher playing the role of revolutionary leader J P Narayan and Shreyas Talpade as former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
Chaudhry has a pivotal role as Pupul Jayakar in the film, said Ranaut. "Pupul Jayakar was an author, a very close friend of Mrs Gandhi and has also written her autobiography. Mrs Gandhi confided in her about everything. If there is one thread that runs through the film and connects the audiences to the inner world of Mrs Gandhi, then it's the character of Pupul Jayakar.
"Even though the film is a first-person account, it is not a film where somebody is the narrator. Mrs Gandhi's interactions with Pupul are the most soulful. They shed light on how she confided her deepest darkest secrets to Pupul Jayakar. This makes her character an important person in the film called Emergency," she said in a statement.