Hyderabad:The much-awaited trailer for Mahesh Babu's upcoming film, Guntur Kaaram, has been released. Under Trivikram Srinivas's direction, this movie is one of the major Sankranthi releases this year. Guntur Kaaram features the dynamic combination of Mahesh Babu and Trivikram collaboration. The movie stars Sreeleela and Meenakshi Chaudhary in lead roles, with production by Harika and Hassine Creations, produced by S Radhakrishna. The film is set to release on January 12.
The trailer for this film has gained attention for its compelling visuals. Mahesh Babu's mass avatar and Trivikram's impactful dialogues have captivated the audience. The film promises to be intriguing, and the trailer has generated anticipation among fans.
As the trailer hints, the Guntur Kaaram storyline revolves around an underworld don in Guntur, who falls in love with a journalist unravelling the city's illicit activities. This film marks the third collaboration between Mahesh Babu and director Trivikram Srinivas, following their successful ventures in the blockbuster hit Athadu and ill-fated Khaleja.