Hyderabad (Telangana): Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar and Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu shared special social media posts dedicated to their little ones on the occasion of Daughter's Day. While Akshay celebrates his daughter Nitara's 10th birthday today, Mahesh Babu showered love on his daughter Sitara to mark Daughter's Day 2022.
Calling daughter Nitara 'the best the world has to offer,' Akshay posted a video on Instagram that captured a lovable moment between the father-daughter duo. He noted, "From holding my hand to now holding her own shopping bag, my baby girl is growing up way too fast. All of 10 years old today…my wish for you this birthday and always is…the best the world has to offer. Daddy loves you ❤️
Meanwhile, Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu and his wife Namrata Shirodkar have each penned an adorable post for their daughter, Sitara Ghattmaneni, on Sunday, which also happens to be Daughter's Day.
Taking to Instagram, Mahesh Babu posted a picture of himself with his daughter and said: "Brightening up my world always. Happy Daughter's Day my little one Sitara Ghattamaneni!"