Mumbai: In a statement, actor Mahesh Babu said he is comfortable doing the film where he has been working. Mahesh further added that he is happy to see his dream coming true as Telugu cinema is going places. Adding to that, Mahesh has also made it clear that his next with SS Rajamouli will be a pan India movie.
Twitteratis were divided over the actor's views. Some fans are disheartened by the statement while others his remark has been misinterpreted. "You don't want to work in bollywood it's okay but saying hindi cinema can't afford you is like seriously!! This was rude and arrogant. But it's fine now I get it, do your work where ever you want I will make sure to not bother you from now," a Twitter user wrote. Another user said Mahesh Babu never passes such "arrogant and disrespectful" statements.
"His intentions got conveyed in a wrong manner. I hope he will clear this mis interpretations in the upcoming interviews. Mahesh is gold in character. He never passes such arrogant and dis respectful statements," read the tweet. "No brother he isn't arrogant at all, look at the interview media twisted the sentence and made it rude. Mahesh said that he isn't made a film in Bollywood yet, so he was scared on how many people will know him," a Twitterati said.