Hyderabad: Actor-producer Alia Bhatt has headed to Seoul, South Korea to attend a Gucci event. The newly minted mom aced an all-denim airport look as she jetted out of the country on Sunday night. Alia was spotted at Mumbai airport before she boarded the flight looking chic as ever.
Alia made a stylish entrance at the Mumbai airport in a denim-on-denim look. The actor was seen decked up top-to-bottom in Gucci. For a luxe airport look, Alia opted for a lace ruffle shirt which she teamed up with a denim trench coat and flared denim pants. The actor rounded off her look with black block heels and threw in a brown Gucci bag with a signature bamboo top handle.
The ivory shirt donned by Alia is worth $ 2,800, the denim coat is $ 6,900 and the comfort-fit pant comes with a price tag of $ 1,150. The beautiful brown bag carried by Alia is from Gucci's signature bamboo collection and is worth $ 4,700. The approximate combined cost of Alia's airport look comes to a whopping Rs 12,76,929.