Hyderabad: Global star Priyanka Chopra turned 41 on Tuesday. Late in the evening, Priyanka's singer-husband Nick Jonas, and a number of Bollywood celebrities, including Sonam Kapoor and Katrina Kaif, shared birthday wishes for her on social media. Priyanka is currently in London working on her movie Heads of State, which also stars John Cena and Idris Elba.
Taking to Instagram, Nick Jonas posted an unseen photo with Priyanka and wrote in the caption, "I love celebrating you. Happy birthday my love." In the photo, Priyanka is seen in Nick's arms on a yacht while wearing a maxi dress with polka dots.
Reacting to Nick's post, a social media user commented, "Happy Birthday to your queen PCJ! We love you and wish you a beautiful blessed year ahead! Keep shining and stay blessed with your gorgeous family!" Another user wrote, "The best! The jewel of July!" One more wrote, "Nick Jonas is literally husband goals "I love celebrating you", his acts of service and affirmation game is so strong."