Hyderabad:The Archies cast recently released the trailer of the movie at the TUDUM event in Brazil. Suhana Khan has now posted a delightful throwback reel from their journey to Brazil on her social media handle, in which her rumoured boyfriend Agastya Nanda and other actors from the movie can be seen hanging out in Sao Paulo's streets and getting ready for their performance.
Taking to Instagram, Suhana posted a reel of her trip to Brazil with The Archies cast. She tagged her co-stars and wrote, "Life with The Archies: Sao Paulo Edition". The reel is titled "The Archies in Brazil," wherein Suhana was seen together with co-stars Agastya Nanda, Khushi Kapoor, Dot, Mihir Ahuja, Vedang Raina, and Yuvraj Menda.
In the brief video clip, one can see a compilation of the group enjoying themselves while strolling through Sao Paulo's sunny neighbourhoods ahead of the event. They then proceed inside the Netflix event, where they can be seen walking into the various areas dedicated to the platform's various shows. The cast can be seen in the Bridgerton playground, they then stop by the Emily in Paris cafe space and also play around the Squid Game area. The end of the adorable video shows them all patiently waiting for their final performance on the big stage while the audience cheers for them.
Also read:Rumoured lovebirds Suhana Khan, Agastya Nanda reunite with The Archies gang for Mihir Ahuja's birthday
The convention event, which was a part of Netflix, took place in Sao Paulo last month from June 16 to 18. The convention offered attendees the chance to meet their favourite stars up close and featured over 2000 square metres of activities, games, live music, and more. The Archies is expected to be released on Netflix India in November. Filmmaker Zoya Akhtar is producing The Archies along with Reema Kagti via their Tiger Baby Films banner.