Mumbai: Multiple Oscar-winning filmmaker James Cameron is mighty impressed by SS Rajamouli's work on RRR and has offered to support the Telugu director if he ever plans to make a film in Hollywood. Rajamouli and RRR composer MM Keeravani recently met Cameron at the Critics' Choice Awards (CCA) where the movie won the Best Foreign Language Film and Best Song for Telugu track Naatu Naatu.
In a new clip of their brief meeting, shared by the Telugu blockbuster's official Twitter handle, Cameron told Rajamouli to approach him if he decides to pursue Hollywood. "If you ever want to make a movie over here, let's talk," Cameron said. During their conversation, the "Avatar" director praised the film's structure and Rajamouli's filmmaking style.
"And the setup... Your fire, water story. Reveal after reveal. And then you show what happened in the back story. It's like all of them are a homely setup. Why he's doing what he's doing and the twists and turns and the friendship and eventually it gets to a point that where he can't even kill him when the other reverses...It's just so, so powerful."