Hyderabad: Lokesh Kanagaraj helmed Leo has been enjoying a strong run at the box office. According to industry tracker Sacnilk, the movie is expected to experience a slight dip in its earnings on the sixth day. Headlined by Thalapathy Vijay, Leo is approaching the impressive milestone of Rs 250 crore in India, while its global earnings have already surpassed the Rs 400 crore mark. This film marks the reunion of director Lokesh and actor Vijay, who previously collaborated on the 2021 movie Master.
Sacnilk reported that Leo raked in Rs 64.8 crore on its release day (Thursday) and Rs 35.25 crore on Friday. Saturday saw the movie collecting RS 39.8 crore, and on Sunday, it earned Rs 41.55 crore. On its fifth day, Monday, Leo is estimated to have earned Rs 35.19 crore nett across India in all languages. Early estimates for the movie's box office collection on the sixth day indicate a slight drop, with an expected earning of Rs 30.63 crore nett in India. As of now, Leo has garnered a total of Rs 247.22 crore nett in the domestic market, encompassing all languages.