Hyderabad: When it comes to the Tamil film industry, Rs 200 crore is seen as a significant milestone that only Rajinikanth and Vijay have consistently managed to surpass. However, the highly anticipated film Leo, starring Vijay, is now eyeing to widen this gap even further, as it aims to cross this benchmark through pre-sales alone.
According to reports, Leo's advanced sales, as of Tuesday morning, have reached close to Rs 125 crore, with a relatively balanced share between domestic and international markets. In India, the film has already earned Rs 60 crore through pre-sales for its four-day weekend, while internationally it has gained an additional USD 7.75 million (Rs. 64 crores). With two more days until the film's release, it is possible for it to achieve a global box office collection of over Rs 200 crore in advance sales.
In terms of pre-sales, Tamil Nadu leads the way in India, having earned nearly Rs 35 crores for the weekend. There is still a significant amount of tickets left to be sold and it is highly possible that this number will surpass Rs 50 crore. In Kerala, Leo shattered the opening day record previously held by KGF Chapter 2, earning over Rs. 7.30 crores. Leo is poised to be the first Tamil film to achieve a double-digit opening day collection in the state.