Mumbai:Legendary actor Irrfan Khan left the world on April 29, 2020, leaving millions of fans mourning. But still, the dream of witnessing his iconic acting once again on the big screen can be possible. The movie Songs of Scorpions is set to hit the theatres on April 28 ahead of the actor's third death anniversary.
Irrfan's son Babil took to his Instagram on Tuesday in order to share the news with the world. Babil shared a poster and wrote, "Love, deception and a song #TheSongsofScorpionS Trailer Releasing Tomorrow. The film which also features veteran actress Waheeda Rehman and Golshiteh Farahani in important roles is produced by Zeeshan Ahmad who said, "It is my honour that my name has been associated with this film as a co-producer and one of the presenter of the film. We are glad that Irrfan Khan's last onscreen appearance in a film is soon going to be released in cinemas across the country and his fans will get to see him one last time on the big screen. Trust me, Irrfan's character and performance in the film is going to leave you spellbound."