Hyderabad:The makers of Kuttey unveiled trailer of the film on Tuesday. Kuttey will mark the directorial debut of Aasman Bhardwaj who is the son of acclaimed filmmaker Vishal Bhardwaj. The film boasts of an interesting ensemble cast comprised of actors like Tabu, Arjun Kapoor, Radhika Madan, Konkona Sensharma, and Naseeruddin Shah.
As the trailer suggests, Kuttey is a dark comedy revolving around three stray gangs crossing paths on the hunt. Unfortunately, all of them have the same plan. The story is apparently about money, bullets, blood and betrayal. As revealed in Kuttey trailer, who will take crores of money in the end or will they lose it to greed, is what will make the watch interesting.
Talking about his experience while working on Kuttey, Arjun earlier said that the film added to the learning curve for him as an actor. "For me, shooting for the film was so much fun and it was also a great learning experience. Films like these add to the learning curve for any actor and I think I have honed my skills with the best of the best actors of our country," said Arjun.