Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Kriti Sanon is currently gearing up for the release of the much-awaited movie Adipurush. The actor on Tuesday stepped out in style donning a gorgeous pristine white saree for the trailer launch. Kriti Sanon transformed into 'Sita Maa' as she graced her presence on the occasion. The diva looked surreal in the traditional ensemble.
For the occasion, Kriti chose a custom-made white saree by Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla with a crimson border and golden fringes. She neatly styled her hair into a bun and added white flowers to it. She opted for natural makeup with just a hint of eyeliner, and she finished off her ensemble with subtle jewellery, including earrings and a bangle.
Taking to Instagram, costume designer Sukriti Grover shared Kriti Sanon's picture with a caption that read, "@kritisanon for the trailer launch in a custom made @abujanisandeepkhosla saree ♥️ Jewellery- @gehnajewellers1 @curiocottagejewelry @anmoljewellers HMU - @aasifahmedofficial @adrianjacobsofficial Styled by - @sukritigrover Assisted by- @vanigupta.23 @simrankumar19 Intern- @mahek_gada 📸- @tejasnerurkarr Draper @vandana_gami ."