Hyderabad:Karan Johar recently took it to his social media and announced that his famed show 'Koffee With Karan' will not be returning. He shared a note on Instagram which read, "Hello, Koffee with Karan has been a part of my life, and yours, for 6 seasons now. I'd like to think we've made an impact and even found our place in pop culture history. And so, it is with a heavy heart that I announce that Koffee with Karan will not be returning..."
'Koffee With Karan', a famous celebrity talk show,had aired its first episode in November 2004. Over the run of six seasons, it became the second-longest running talk show after 'Phool Khile Hain Gulshan Gulshan' on Hindi-language television. The show's sixth and last season had wrapped up in March 2019.