Hyderabad: The momentum around the eighth season of Koffee with Karan is reaching a fever pitch as the beloved show welcomes back the dynamic duo of Varun Dhawan and Sidharth Malhotra, the stars of Student of the Year. Sidharth and Varin are back together on the show after almost a decade since their joint appearance with Alia Bhatt in 2013. In a recent promo shared by the show's host, Karan Johar hinted at an impending 'storm' with the return of these two charming actors.
Taking to Instagram, Karan Johar shared an enticing sneak peek of Varun and Sidharth's upcoming episode with the caption, "THE BOYS ARE BACK!!! All suave, all madness & love...stay tuned because they are stirring up a storm!!😂❤️❤️."
The promo glimpses into the early days of Varun and Sidharth in the film industry, reminiscing about their time assisting Karan on the sets of My Name Is Khan. Karan recalls their carefree days while shooting in Los Angeles, humorously mentioning their "steamy affair with the costume department." Following this, Varun jokingly brings up a character named Shadiram Ghar Jode from his father David Dhawan's film, comparing it to Karan being a "Ghar tode" (homewrecker).