Mumbai (Maharashtra):Actor Katrina Kaif, who will be seen on Koffee With Karan with her Phone Bhoot co-stars Ishaan Khatter and Siddhant Chaturvedi, has spoken about the concept of suhaag raat in the tenth episode of the chat show.
While Alia Bhatt dismissed the concept of suhaag raat as a myth, recently married Katrina, who is the wife of actor Vicky Kushal, shared a smarter solution for tired couples to follow. "It does not always have to be a suhaag raat. It can also be a suhaag din," the actor said.
For unversed, during the first episode of Koffee with Karan 7, Alia revealed a bunch of stuff about her personal life. She also spilled the beans on her suhag raat."There's no such thing as suhaagraat. You're tired," she said. On the other hand, Ranveer Singh, who appeared on the premiere episode of with Alia, shared that he had a different suhag raat experience with his ladylove Deepika Padukone.